I've just discovered your newsletter and this post really, really resonates with me. I too have had people say, 'you're going to go far!' whenever I've achieved something that I thought was already a Big Deal. And then I use the same language on myself, like, my first book deal (which previously I thought would be my crowning achievement) suddenly wasn't good enough anymore, I needed more otherwise I'd be one of those 'one time authors' (a totally made up concept) or I needed to publish something else with a bigger publisher, or needed to get into fiction or blah blah blah.

It's so hard to sit back and be happy where I am because I constantly feel that I haven't done enough. The goal posts move every time.

You're so right though, I am already there. This constant pressure to hustle reminds me of a line from the film 'Mona Lisa Smile' - 'The horizon is an imaginary line that recedes as you approach it'. The same could probably be said for this drive for 'success'.

I'm with you though, my new definition of achievement is turning down a client who isn't right for me. I'm awful at that and regret it every time. Achieving that will be glorious.


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thanks for sharing Kit :)

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